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Get Historical Data

There are five different endpoints to get historical data of a coin:

/v2/coins/{id}/historyGet the historical data (price, market cap, 24hrs volume, etc.) at a given date for a coin based on a particular coin id.
/v2/coins/{id}/market_chartGet the historical chart data of a coin including time in UNIX, price, market cap, and 24hrs volume based on a particular coin id.
/v2/coins/{id}/market_chart/rangeGet the historical chart data of a coin within a certain time range in UNIX along with price, market cap, and 24hrs volume based on a particular coin id.
/v2/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chartGet the historical chart data of a coin including time in UNIX, price, market cap, and 24hrs volume based on a token contract address.
/v2/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/rangeGet the historical chart data of a coin within a certain time range in UNIX along with price, market cap, and 24hrs volume based on a token contract address.