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Get data by ID or Address

Methods to Query Price & Market Data of Coins

Coin ID

Using /v2/simple/price endpoint as an example:

The provided endpoint URL includes parameters such as ids=bitcoin and vs_currencies=usd, indicating the intention to retrieve the current price of Bitcoin in US Dollars.

How to obtain Coin ID aka API ID?

There are three options:

  1. Use /v2/coins/list endpoint

    Example response:

    "id": "bitcoin", // 👈 API ID
    "symbol": "btc",
    "name": "Bitcoin"
  2. View the full list of coins with API ID, symbol, and name using this Google Sheet.

  3. Look for the "API Id" by visiting the info section of a coin page on PestoAI

    Bitcoin Coin Page

Contract Address

Other than using Coin ID, you may also query the price & market data of a coin using its contract address:

Using /v2/simple/token_price/{id} endpoint as an example:

Required parameters:

  • id: Ethereum (Asset Platform ID)
  • contract_addresses: 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 (Contract Address)
  • vs_currencies: usd (Target Currencies)

How to obtain Coins/Tokens Contract Address?

  1. Use /v2/coins/list endpoint (include_platform=true)

    Example response:

    "id": "1inch",
    "symbol": "1inch",
    "name": "1inch",
    "platforms": {
    "ethereum": "0x111111111117dc0aa78b770fa6a738034120c302",
    "avalanche": "0xd501281565bf7789224523144fe5d98e8b28f267"
  2. Look for the "Contract" by visiting the info section of a coin page on PestoAI

    USDC Coin Page

  3. Get the token contract address from the project website, whitepaper, documentation, or block explorer site

  • Not all coins have a contract address listed on PestoAI.
  • If an address is not shown, you cannot query the coin by its contract address via the API.
  • The contract addresses are curated by PestoAI; if you find missing addresses, you can submit a request.

Specify Target Currency

Most PestoAI API endpoints require specifying a currency. In the examples above, both queries contain vs_currencies=usd.

PestoAI API supports major fiat currencies and well-known cryptocurrencies, such as:

TypeCurrencyvs_currencies Parameter
FiatUS Dollarusd
FiatJapanese Yenjpy
CryptoBinance Coinbnb

For a full list of supported currencies, visit /simple/supported_vs_currencies endpoint.

Query Coin Prices & Market Data in Bulk

Using /v2/coins/markets endpoint:

Required parameters:

  • vs_currency: usd
  • order: market_cap_desc (Sort by market cap in descending order)
  • per_page: 100 (Results per page, max = 250)
  • page: 1 (Determines which page to return; e.g., page=2 returns ranks 101-200)