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Get exchange tickers (paginated, 100 tickers per page)



Get exchange tickers (paginated).


  • Ticker is_stale is true when the ticker has not been updated/unchanged from the exchange for more than 8 hours.
  • Ticker is_anomaly is true if the ticker's price is outliered by our system.


  • last: latest unconverted price in the respective pair target currency.
  • volume: unconverted 24h trading volume in the respective pair target currency.
  • converted_last: latest converted price in BTC, ETH, and USD.
  • converted_volume: converted 24h trading volume in BTC, ETH, and USD.
  • timestamp: returns the last time that the price has changed.
  • last_traded_at: returns the last time that the price has changed.
  • last_fetch_at: returns the last time we call the API.

Cache / Update Frequency: every 60 seconds.



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